How to navigate your new enquiries page

This article will guide you through all the updates and additional features that we've implemented on the agent portal enquiry view. Here's a breakdown of all the exciting new features:

  • New enquiry statuses
  • Improved search 
  • Additional filtering options 
  • Easier bulk updates

The most notable change is aimed at helping you track and monitor enquiries. You can now mark enquiries as ContactedViewing BookedLet Agreed or Closed via your dashboard, or the enquiry email you receive. Filter by enquiry status to make enquiries easier to manage, whether you're in the office or on the way to your next meeting!

So what does each status mean?
  • New: Brand new open enquiry.
  • Contacted: Have contacted the student.
  • Viewing Booked: Have organised with the student to view the property.
  • Closed: Property has been let, student no longer interested in property or the student has chosen another property.

With the new update it's easier than ever to view specific enquiries, just use the search bar to find your enquiries by student nameemail addressphone number or by the property address. Ideal for when you have a student on the phone with a query. 

We've added more filtering options so it's easier than ever to manage enquiries by studentproperty and bedroom numbers, perfect if you ever need to find a quick replacement to fill a property! You'll be able to see a list of those who have enquired on that specific student house, or on any of your properties which are a similar size. 

Not only have we made the bulk action button more visible, but we've also improved the functionality. Set selected, or all, enquiries as newcontactedbookedclosed or let agreed, in one go to save yourself valuable time. 

If you have any questions, or have suggestions for more letting agent portal improvements, get in touch with your Account Manager. Alternatively, give us a ring on 0330 822 0266. We’re always happy to help!

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