Property boosts and features
How do property boosts work?
Boosting a property will bump your listing to the top of the search results in your city. You can boost any of your properties as many times as you like, however only once per property every 24 hour window. Boost credits are available to buy in bundles.
How do I boost a property?
There are three methods for boosting a property, each from the properties page:
- Boost a single property using the 'All actions' button on the right-hand side of the properties table.
- Boost a single property while on the data snapshot.
- Boost multiple properties by using the bulk actions dropdown.
Watch our video on how to boost your property in the Resource Centre for more information.
What are the benefits of boosting my property?
By boosting a property, you increase the chances of students clicking on your listing, and therefore boost the chance of receiving enquiries.
How do I check how many boosts I have left?
The number of boosts you have remaining will be displayed at the top of the properties page, next to the 'Quick actions' and and 'Add property' buttons.
How do I buy property boosts?
To buy boosts, click the boost button next to the 'Quick actions' and and 'Add property' buttons on the properties page and follow the payment wizard. Watch our video on how to boost your property to find out more.
How much do boosts cost?
We have the following bundles available:
- 50 boosts - £58.50 + VAT
- 100 boosts - £87.75 + VAT
- 250 boosts - £146.25 + VAT
- 500 boosts - £195 + VAT
- 1000 boosts - £341.25 + VAT
- 2000 boosts - £585 + VAT
How does featuring a property work?
By featuring a property, you increase the exposure of the property for a fixed period of time. A featured property will highlight in orange making it stand out against standard listings. This will increase the visibility of the property which will increase the chance of receiving more enquiries.
How much does featuring a property cost?
We have the following options available:
- 3 days - £22.50+ VAT
- 5 days - £30.00 + VAT
- 7 days - £37.00 + VAT
- 10 days - £45.00 + VAT
How do I feature my property?
You can feature a property by following the exact same process as boosting a property, however, will take you through to the payment page. From here you will be able to select how long you wish to feature your property for:
- Feature a single property by using the 'All actions' button on the right hand side of the properties table.
- Feature a single property while on the data snapshot.
- Feature multiple properties by using the bulk actions dropdown.